File Elements

Although some of the file queries operate on identifier properties, all file queries produce file-list data as their result. Clicking on an element of a file list leads you to a page with a summary of the file.

File: C:\dds\src\Research\cscout\example\awk\main.c


  • Read-only: No
  • Used in project(s):
    • awk
  • Other exact copies: (none)
  • File's directory



File Dependencies

  • Graph of files that depend on this file at compile time: writable, all
  • Graph of files on which this file depends at compile time: writable, all
  • Graph of files whose functions this file calls (control dependency): writable, all
  • Graph of files calling this file's functions (control dependency): writable, all
  • Graph of files whose global variables this file accesses (data dependency): writable, all
  • Graph of files accessing this file's global variables (data dependency): writable, all

Include Files


Number of characters5155
Number of comment characters1878
Number of space characters754
Number of line comments0
Number of block comments27
Number of lines190
Maximum number of characters in a line107
Number of character strings25
Number of unprocessed lines0
Number of C preprocessor directives9
Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)0
Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros0
Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros1
Number of preprocessed tokens893
Number of compiled tokens921
Number of copies of the file1
Number of statements123
Number of defined project-scope functions3
Number of defined file-scope (static) functions0
Number of defined project-scope variables13
Number of defined file-scope (static) variables0
Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations0
Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members0
Number of complete enumeration declarations0
Number of declared enumeration elements0
Number of directly included files8

Main page — Web: Home Manual

The page starts with the projects using this file, whether the file also exists as an exact duplicate in other locations, and a link to browse within CScout the directory where the file is located. Four subsequent sections provide links for
  • examining the functions defined in the file,
  • listing various file dependencies, and
  • exploring the file's include relationships. The page ends with representative metrics for the given file.

    Source Code Views

    You can view a file's source code in five different forms:

    1. The plain source code, will only provide you the file's code text
    2. The source code with unprocessed regions marked, will enable you to see which parts of the file was not processed due to conditional compilation instructions. You may want to use the marked parts as a guide to construct a more inclusive workspace definition (perhaps by processing the project multiple times, with different preprocessor options).
        360 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__STDC__)
        361 static __inline int __sputc(int _c, FILE *_p) {
        362         if (--_p->_w >= 0 || (_p->_w >= _p->_lbfsize && (char)_c != '\n'))
        363                 return (*_p->_p++ = _c);
        364         else
        365                 return (__swbuf(_c, _p));
        366 }
        367 #else
        368 /*
        369  * This has been tuned to generate reasonable code on the vax using pcc.
        370  */
        371 #define __sputc(c, p) \
        372         (--(p)->_w < 0 ? \
        373                 (p)->_w >= (p)->_lbfsize ? \
        374                         (*(p)->_p = (c)), *(p)->_p != '\n' ? \
        375                                 (int)*(p)->_p++ : \
        376                                 __swbuf('\n', p) : \
        377                         __swbuf((int)(c), p) : \
        378                 (*(p)->_p = (c), (int)*(p)->_p++))
        379 #endif
    3. Source code with identifier hyperlinks, will provide you with a page of the file's code text where each identifier is represented as a hyperlink leading to the identifier's page. The following is a representative example.
              struct stat *from_stat;
              int exists;
              if (exists && unlink(to.p_path)) {
                      warn("unlink: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              if (mkfifo(to.p_pathfrom_stat->st_mode)) {
                      warn("mkfifo: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              return (pflag ? setfile(from_stat, 0) : 0);

    4. As the above display can be overwhelming, you may prefer to browse the source code with hyperlinks only to project-global writable identifiers, which are typically the most important identifiers. Consider again how the above example would be displayed:
      copy_fifo(from_stat, exists)
              struct stat *from_stat;
              int exists;
              if (exists && unlink(to.p_path)) {
                      warn("unlink: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              if (mkfifo(to.p_path, from_stat->st_mode)) {
                      warn("mkfifo: %s", to.p_path);
                      return (1);
              return (pflag ? setfile(from_stat, 0) : 0);
    5. Source code with hyperlinks to function and macro declarations provides you hyperlinks to the function pages for each function declaration (implicit or explict) and macro definition. Again, here is an example:
      #if !defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
      int     digittoint __P((int));
      int     isascii __P((int));
      int     isblank __P((int));
      int     ishexnumber __P((int));
      int     isideogram __P((int));
      int     isnumber __P((int));
      int     isphonogram __P((int));
      int     isrune __P((int));
      int     isspecial __P((int));
      int     toascii __P((int));

      #define __istype(c,f)    (!!__maskrune((c),(f)))

      #define isalnum(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_A|_CTYPE_D)
      #define isalpha(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_A)
      #define iscntrl(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_C)
      #define isdigit(c)       __isctype((c), _CTYPE_D) /* ANSI -- locale independent */
      #define isgraph(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_G)
      #define islower(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_L)
      #define isprint(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_R)
      #define ispunct(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_P)
      #define isspace(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_S)
      #define isupper(c)       __istype((c), _CTYPE_U)
      #define isxdigit(c)      __isctype((c), _CTYPE_X) /* ANSI -- locale independent */
      #define tolower(c)       __tolower(c)
      #define toupper(c)       __toupper(c)

    Finally, you can also choose to launch your editor on the file. The way the editor is launched is specified in CScout's options page.

    File Metrics

    File metrics produces a summary of the workspace's file-based metrics like the following:

    File Metrics

    Writable Files

    Number of elements: 13

    Number of characters15726819234329712097.5
    Number of comment characters30152063072319.38
    Number of space characters2870729887352208.23
    Number of line comments0000
    Number of block comments760019058.4615
    Number of lines64321001913494.769
    Maximum number of characters in a line10542410781.0769
    Number of character strings684015452.6154
    Number of unprocessed lines12080.923077
    Number of C preprocessor directives27409221.0769
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)6030.461538
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros300222.30769
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros16109212.3846
    Number of preprocessed tokens39529393121893040.69
    Number of compiled tokens4411925140203393.77
    Number of copies of the file13111
    Number of statements429301589330.231
    Number of defined project-scope functions16805112.9231
    Number of defined file-scope (static) functions2010.153846
    Number of defined project-scope variables14913611.4615
    Number of defined file-scope (static) variables1090928.38462
    Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations12060.923077
    Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members560324.30769
    Number of complete enumeration declarations0000
    Number of declared enumeration elements0000
    Number of directly included files62094.76923

    Read-only Files

    Number of elements: 15

    Number of characters4309422798762872.93
    Number of comment characters2696710756951797.8
    Number of space characters317913948211.933
    Number of line comments120120.8
    Number of block comments1280608.53333
    Number of lines11981327579.8667
    Maximum number of characters in a line1073488571.5333
    Number of character strings620584.13333
    Number of unprocessed lines17051.13333
    Number of C preprocessor directives288110219.2
    Number of processed C preprocessor conditionals (ifdef, if, elif)27061.8
    Number of defined C preprocessor function-like macros300132
    Number of defined C preprocessor object-like macros870315.8
    Number of preprocessed tokens3461161068230.733
    Number of compiled tokens17790602118.6
    Number of copies of the file15111
    Number of statements0000
    Number of defined project-scope functions0000
    Number of defined file-scope (static) functions0000
    Number of defined project-scope variables6030.4
    Number of defined file-scope (static) variables0000
    Number of complete aggregate (struct/union) declarations7030.466667
    Number of declared aggregate (struct/union) members560233.73333
    Number of complete enumeration declarations0000
    Number of declared enumeration elements0000
    Number of directly included files240201.6

    Main page — Web: Home Manual

    All files

    The "All files" link will list all the project's files, including source files, and directly and indirectly included files. You can use this list to create a "bill of materials" for the files your workspace requires to compile. The following is an example of the output:

    All Files

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Read-only files

    The "Read-only files" link will typically show you the system files your project used. The following output was generated using the "Show file lists with file name in context" option.

    Read-only Files

    /usr/include/ ctype.h
    /usr/include/ err.h
    /usr/include/ errno.h
    /usr/include/ fcntl.h
    /usr/include/ fts.h
    /usr/include/ limits.h
    /usr/include/ locale.h
    /usr/include/machine/ ansi.h
    /usr/include/machine/ endian.h
    /usr/include/machine/ limits.h
    /usr/include/machine/ param.h
    /usr/include/machine/ signal.h
    /usr/include/machine/ trap.h
    /usr/include/machine/ types.h
    /usr/include/machine/ ucontext.h
    /usr/include/ runetype.h
    /usr/include/ stdio.h
    /usr/include/ stdlib.h
    /usr/include/ string.h
    /usr/include/sys/ _posix.h
    /usr/include/sys/ cdefs.h
    /usr/include/sys/ inttypes.h
    /usr/include/sys/ param.h
    /usr/include/sys/ signal.h
    /usr/include/sys/ stat.h
    /usr/include/sys/ syslimits.h
    /usr/include/sys/ time.h
    /usr/include/sys/ types.h
    /usr/include/sys/ ucontext.h
    /usr/include/sys/ unistd.h
    /usr/include/ sysexits.h
    /usr/include/ syslog.h
    /usr/include/ time.h
    /usr/include/ unistd.h

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

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    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12

    Writable files

    Correspondingly the "Writable files" link will only show you all your workspace's source files:

    Writable Files

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Files containing unused project-scoped writable identifiers

    The link ``files containing unused project-scoped writable identifiers'' performs an identifier query, but lists as output files containing matching identifiers. Specifically, the link will produce a list of files containing global (project-scoped) unused writable identifiers. Modern compilers can detect unused block-local or even file-local (static) identifiers, but detecting global identifiers is more tricky, since it requires processing of all files that will be linked together. The restriction to writable identifiers will filter-out noise generated through the use of the system's library functions.

    In our example, the following list is generated:

    Files Containing Unused Project-scoped Writable Identifiers

    Matching Files

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/date/ date.cmarked source

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

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    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12
    The output contains the path to each file, and a link that will generate the file's source code with the offending identifiers marked as hyperlinks. You can use the ``marked source'' link to inspect the identifiers in the context of their source code; simply follow the link with your browser and press tab to go to each hyperlink. In our example the identifier will appear as follows:

    setthetime(fmt, p, jflag, nflag)
            const char *fmt;
            register const char *p;
            int jflag, nflag;
            register struct tm *lt;
            struct timeval tv;
            const char *dot, *t;
            int century;

    (In our case the function setthetime is declared as static, but not defined as such.)

    Files containing unused file-scoped writable identifiers

    The link ``files containing unused file-scoped writable identifiers'' performs an identifier query, but lists as output files containing matching identifiers. Specifically, the link will produce a list of files containing file-scoped (static) unused writable identifiers. Although some modern compilers can detect file-local identifiers, they fail to detect macros and some types of variable declarations. The CScout query is more general and can be more reliable. The restriction to writable identifiers will filter-out noise generated through the use of the system's library functions.

    In our example, the following list is generated:

    Files Containing Unused File-scoped Writable Identifiers

    Matching Files

    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ utils.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/date/ date.cmarked source
    /vol/src/bin/echo/ echo.cmarked source

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    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12
    In our case all identifiers located were the copyright and the rcsid identifiers.

    #ifndef lint
    static char const copyright[] =
    "@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993\n\
            The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.\n";
    #endif /* not lint */

    #ifndef lint
    #if 0
    static char sccsid[] = "@(#)echo.c      8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93";
    static const char rcsid[] =
      "$FreeBSD: src/bin/echo/echo.c,v 2001/08/01 02:33:32 obrien Exp $";
    #endif /* not lint */

    Later on we will explain how an identifier query could have used a regular expression to filter-out the noise generated by these two identifiers.

    Writable .c files without any statements

    The ``writable .c files without any statements'' will locate C files that do not contain any C statements. You can use it to locate files that only contain variable definitions, or files that are #ifdef'd out.

    In our example, the result set only contains the processing script (the compiled workspace definition file).

    Writable .c Files Without Any Statments

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    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51
    The processing script (the compiled workspace definition file) follows the C syntax, but only contains preprocessor directives (mostly CScout-specific #pragma commands) to drive the CScout's source code analysis.

    Writable files containing unprocessed lines

    The ``writable files containing unprocessed lines'' link will present you C files containing lines that were skipped by the C preprocossor, due to conditional compilation directives. The files are ordered according to the number of unprocessed lines (files with the largest number will appear on the top).

    In our case the results are:

    Writable Files Containing Unprocessed Lines

    DirectoryFileNumber of unprocessed lines
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ utils.c30
    /home/dds/src/cscout/ cscout_defs.h3
    /vol/src/bin/echo/ echo.c2
    /vol/src/bin/date/ date.c2
    /vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.c2
    /home/dds/src/cscout/ cscout_incs.h2

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page - Web: Home Manual

    CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12
    Lines skipped by the C preprocessor can be detrimental to the analysis and the refactoring you perform. If those lines contain live code that will be used under some other circumstances (a different platform, or different configuration options), then any results you obtain may miss important data. The list of files allows you to see if there are any large chunks of code that CScout ignored. If there are, think about specifying additional configuration options as preprocessor variables. If some configuration options are mutually exclusive you can process the same source multiple times, with different preprocessor variables set.

    Writable files containing strings

    The ``writable files containing strings'' link will present you C files containing C strings. In some applications user-messages are not supposed to be put in the source code, to aid localization efforts. This file query can then help you locate files that contain strings.

    In our case the results are:

    Writable Files Containing Strings

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51

    Writable .h files with #include directives

    Some coding conventions dictate against recursive #include invocations. This query can be used to find files that break such a guideline. As usual, read-only system files are excluded; these typically use recursive #include invocations as a matter of course.

    In our example, the result is:

    Writable .h Files With #include directives

    You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

    Main page

    CScout 1.6 - 2003/06/04 15:14:51