Obfuscation Back-end

CScout can convert a workspace into an obfuscated version. The obfuscated version of the workspace can be distributed instead of the original C source, and can be compiled on different processor architectures and operating systems, hindering however the code's reverse engineering and modification.

Each source code file is obfuscated by

Before running CScout to obfuscate, make a complete backup copy of your source code files, and store them in a secure place; preferably off-line. Once the source code files are obfuscated and overwritten, there is no way to get back their original contents.

To obfuscate the workspace, first ensure that CScout can correctly process the complete set of its source code files. Use the "unprocessed lines" metric of each file to verify that no parts of a file are left unprocessed; unprocessed regions will not be obfuscated. You can easily increase the coverage of CScout's processing by including in the workspace multiple projects with different defined directives.

Also ensure that all your project's files are considered writable, and no files outside your project (for example system headers) are considered writable. This will allow CScout to rename your identifier names, but keep the names of library-defined identifiers (for example printf) unchanged.

Finally, run CScout with the switch -o. For each writable workspace file CScout will create a file ending in .obf that will contain the obfuscated version of its contents. The files are not overwritten, providing you with another countermeasure against accidentally destroying them. To overwrite the original source with the obfuscated one, use the following Unix command:

find . -name '*.obf' |
sed 's/\\/\//g;s/\(.*\)\.obf$/mv "\1.obf" "\1"/' |
You can then compile the obfuscated version of your project, to verify the obfuscation's results.