Hungarian Notation

Primitive Types

b Flag (boolean) primitive type
dw Double word (32 bit wide) with arbitrary contents
w Word with arbitrary contents (typically unsigned)
b Byte with arbitrary contents
ch Character
sz Pointer to first character of a null-terminated string
h Handle of a heap-allocated object
fn Function
i Integer
l Long integer (32-bit wide)
n Short integer (16-bit wide)

Type Constructions

pX Pointer to X
dX Difference between two instances of X
cX Count of instances of type X
mpX Y Array (map) of Ys indexed by X
rgX Array (range) of Xs
iX Index to array rg X
cbX Size of instances of X in bytes
cwX Size of instances of X in words

Name Qualifiers

XFirst First element of an ordered set of type X values
XLast Last element of an ordered set of type X values.
XNext Next element of an ordered set of type X values
XPrev Previous element of an ordered set of type X values
XLim The upper limit of a range of X values.
XMac The current upper limit
XNil A special Nil value of type X
XT A temporary value of type X

VB Primitive Types

cur Currency
time Time
date Date
dt Date and time combined
qry Database query
tbl Database table

VB Common Controls

frm Form
mnu Form menu
cmd Command button
chk Check button
opt Radio button
lbl Text label
txt Text edit box
pb Picture box
pic Picture
lst List box
cbo Combo box
tmr Timer