Exercises and Discussion Topics
Select three large projects from the course's reference source code
and classify
the available documentation.
Comment on the applicability of the documentation types
we described in open-source development efforts.
Present an overview of the source organization of apache Web server
by examining the provided documentation.
Locate one instance of a published algorithm reference
in the course's reference source code.
Map the published version of the algorithm against its implementation.
Categorize and tabulate the types of problems described in the
Bugs section of the Unix manual pages and sort them
according to their frequency.
Discuss the results you obtained.
The course's reference source code
contains over 40 references to undocumented behavior.
Locate them and discuss the most common observed cause of documentation
Compare the documentation formats we described on usability,
readability, features provided, and amenability to automated
processing by ad-hoc tools.
Locate and typeset on a high quality output device
each of the different documentation formats
available in the course's reference source code
in your local environment.
Discuss the difficulties you encountered.