General Purpose Tools
Diomidis Spinellis
Department of Management Science and Technology
Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens, Greece
The Unix Toolchest
Available under Unix, GNU/Linux, *BSD.
For Windows:
Working with Unix Tools
- Fetch or generate data
- Selection
- Processing
- Summarizing
- Program development
Data Fetching and Generation
- nm: object files
- nm, ldd: executables
- tar: archives
- ar, jar: libraries
- find: directory hierarchies
- wget: the web
- cvs or svn log or annotate: version control
- jot or dd: generate artificial data
- awk: delimited records
- cut: fixed width files
- sed: select row parts with regular expressions
- grep: select rows with regular expressions
- Combine the above in pipelines
- sort: order by multiple keys
- uniq: remove duplicates, count
- diff: compare sequential files
- comm: compare ordered lists
- tr: map between character sets
- recode: map between text representations
- tac/rev: reverse order of lines, characters
- rs: reshape arrays
- join: relational join
- Scripting languages handle more complex tasks
- wc: count lines, characters
- head: first elements
- tail: last elements
- fmt: format into lines
- awk with an END block
- Pass data through pipeline
- tee: tap output for further processing
- xargs: apply command to numerous arguments
- Pipe into a while loop for complicated processing
Example: Analyze Java Files
Examine all Java files located in the directory src, and print the ten files with the highest number of occurrences of a method call to substring.
find src -name ’*.java’ -print |
xargs fgrep -c .substring |
sort -t: -rn -k2 |
head -10
Example: Determine Commit Times
find . -type f |
grep -v CVS |
xargs cvs -d /home/ncvs log -SN 2>/dev/null |
awk '/^date/{
hour = substr($3, 0, 2)
lines[$5 " " hour] += $9
for (i in lines) print i, lines[i]
}' |
sed 's/;//g' |
sort >dev-times-lines.dat
join dev-times-lines.dat devlong >dev-times-lines-long.dat
Example Result:Plotted Commit Times
Program Development
- Editors
- GNU Compiler Collection
- Language development tools (bison, flex)
- Tracers and debuggers
- Profilers
- Code formatting tools (cb, indent)
- Version control systems
(More on the above later.)
Outwit Tools
- winclip - Access the windows clipboard
- winreg - manipulate the windows registry
- docprop - read document properties
- odbc - select data from relational databases
- readlink - resolve shell shortcuts
- readlog - access the windows event log
Outwit Examples
Create an list of fax recipients ordered by the number of faxes they have received.
readlog Application |
awk -F: "/Outbound: Information: Fax Sent/{print $12}" |
sort |
uniq -c |
sort -rn
Extracts the email address from all records from the table users which is part of the database userDB and sends them the file message by email.
fmt message |
mail $(odbc DSN=userDB "select email from users")
An Editor Checklist
- Regular expressions
- Syntax coloring
- Folding
- Error highlighting
- Indentation
- Marking of matching delimiters
- On-line help for API elements
- Code browsing
- Multiple buffers
- Macros
- Refactoring support
Two candidates: Emacs, vim.
Further Reading
- Alfred V. Aho, Brian W.
Kernighan, and Peter J. Weinberger.
Awk—a pattern scanning and processing language.
In Unix Programmer's Manual [Unix Programmer's Manual, 1979].
Also available online
- S. R. Bourne.
An introduction to the UNIX shell.
In Unix Programmer's Manual [Unix Programmer's Manual, 1979].
Also available online
- Brian W. Kernighan
and Rob Pike.
Programming Environment.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984.
- Geoffrey J. Noer.
A free Win32 porting layer for UNIX applications.
In Susan Owicki and Thorsten von Eicken, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd
USENIX Windows NT Symposium, Berkeley, CA, August 1998. Usenix
- Eric Steven Raymond.
The Art of
Unix Programming.
Addison-Wesley, 2003.
- Dennis M. Ritchie
and Ken Thompson.
The UNIX time-sharing system.
Communications of the ACM, 17(7):365–375, July 1974.
- Diomidis Spinellis.
Unix tool-based programming meets the Windows world.
In Christopher Small, editor, USENIX 2000 Technical Conference
Proceedings, pages 149–158, Berkeley, CA, June 2000. USENIX
- Diomidis Spinellis.
IEEE Software, 22(2):14–15, March/April 2005.
(doi:10.1109/MS.2005.36 (
- Diomidis Spinellis.
engineering glossary, version control, part 2.
IEEE Software, 22(6):c2–c3, November/December 2005.
(doi:10.1109/MS.2005.169 (
- Diomidis Spinellis.
engineering glossary, version control, part I.
IEEE Software, 22(5):107, September/October 2005.
(doi:10.1109/MS.2005.141 (
- Diomidis Spinellis.
control systems.
IEEE Software, 22(5):108–109, September/October 2005.
(doi:10.1109/MS.2005.140 (
- Diomidis Spinellis.
with Unix tools.
IEEE Software, 22(6):9–11, November/December 2005.
(doi:10.1109/MS.2005.170 (
Programmer's Manual. Volume 2—Supplementary Documents.
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, seventh edition, 1979.
Also available online
Exercises and Discussion Topics
- Acquaint yourself with the command-line of the computer you're
using. If it doesn't have ready access to the Unix tools, install
- Evaluate the editor you're using, and adopt a new one if needed.