The paper
- Diomidis Spinellis.
review: The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating system.
ACM Computing Reviews, 46(9):560–561, September 2005.

has been cited by the following works.
- M.I. Sarwar, W. Tanveer,
I. Sarwar, and W. Mahmood.
A comparative study of MI tools: Defining the roadmap to MI tools
In IEEE INMIC 2008: 12th IEEE International Multitopic Conference -
Conference Proceedings, pages 379–385, 2008.
- M.I. Sarwar, W. Tanveer,
and I. Sarwar.
Performance of MI tools in perspective of open source software.
In 2009 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control and
Communication, IC4 2009, 2009.
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