The paper
- Diomidis Spinellis and
Chrissoleon T. Papadopoulos.
line buffer allocation: Genetic algorithms versus simulated annealing.
In Second International Aegean Conference on the Analysis and Modelling
of Manufacturing Systems, pages 89–101. University of the Aegean,
Department of Business Administration, May 1999.

has been cited by the following works.
- Stefan Helber.
Cash-flow oriented buffer allocation in stochastic flow lines.
International Journal of Production Research, 39:3061–3083, 2001.
- H. Pierreval
J. L. Paris, L. Tautou-Guillaume.
Dealing with design options in the optimization of manufacturing systems: an
evolutionary approach.
International Journal of Production Research, 39(6):1081–1091,
April 2001.
- D. Battini, A. Persona,
and A. Regattieri.
Buffer size design linked to reliability performance: A simulative study.
Computers and Industrial Engineering, 56(4):1633–1641, 2009.
- H.A. Vergara and D.S.
A new method for the placement of buffers in serial production lines.
International Journal of Production Research, 47(16):4437–4456,
- I.V. Vitanov, V.I.
Vitanov, and D.K. Harrison.
Buffer capacity allocation using ant colony optimisation algorith.
In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, pages 3158–3168,
- V. Cesarotti,
A. Giuiusa, and V. Introna.
Increasing availability of production flow lines through optimal buffer sizing:
A simulative study.
In 23rd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2011,
pages 423–432, 2011.
- M. Benedetti,
V. Cesarotti, A. Giuiusa, and V. Introna.
Buffer size design in pharmaceutical packaging lines: An analytical
methodology proposal and case study.
International Journal of Engineering Business Management,
6(1):1–10, 2014.
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