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Diomidis Spinellis Publications

The Cascade Vulnerability problem: The Detection problem

and a Simulated Annealing Approach for its Correction

Stefanos Gritzalisa,b , Diomidis Spinellisc

aDepartment of Informatics, University of Athens,

TYPA Buildings, Athens GR-15771, Greece, e-mail:

bDepartment of Informatics, Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens,

Ag.Spiridonos St. Aegaleo GR-12243, Greece, email:

cDepartment of Mathematics, University of the Aegean,

Samos GR-83200, Greece, email:


The Cascade Vulnerability Problem is a potential problem which must be faced when using the interconnected accredited system approach of the Trusted Network Interpretation. It belongs to a subset of the problem set that addresses the issue of whether the interconnection of secure systems via a secure channel results in a secure distributed system. The Cascade Vulnerability problem appears when an adversary can take advantage of network connections to compromise information across a range of sensitivity levels that is greater than the accreditation range of any of the component systems s/he must defeat to do so. In this paper, we present the general Cascade vulnerability problem, describe the basic properties of the most important detection algorithms, conduct a brief comparative analysis, and present a new approach based on simulated annealing for its correction.

Keywords: Cascade Vulnerability Problem, Network & Open Distributed Systems Security, Risk Analysis, Simulated annealing.

1. Introduction

The Cascade Vulnerability Problem was discussed in the Trusted Network Interpretation [1] of the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria. According to [1] a Cascade Vulnerability Problem exists when a penetrator can take advantage of network connections to compromise information across a range of security levels that is greater than the accreditation range of any of the component systems s/he must defeat to do so.

In a distributed system with many nodes and interconnections, the existence of a Cascade Vulnerability Problem may not be obvious and can cause serious security problems. In this paper we present the most effective algorithms - published in the open literature - for the detection of the Cascade vulnerability Problem and the identification of the paths along which the problem exists. Then, we conduct a brief comparative analysis of the presented algorithms. Finally, we outline the basic semantics of an algorithm for the Restricted Cascade Correction Problem which proposes network modifications for reducing the risk of Cascade Vulnerability.

2. The Cascade Vulnerability problem

The Cascade Vulnerability Problem belongs to a subspace of the problem set that addresses the issue of whether the interconnection of secure systems via a secure channel results in a secure distributed system. The term "secure system" is taken here to mean a system that has undergone not only a risk analysis evaluation with respect to the acceptable risk of operating the system, but a system security evaluation as well.

The assets of the system and the threats against each one of them are considered during the risk analysis review in order to identify the level of the security required. System security can be modelled as a function of many parameters, such as computer security, communications security, administrative security, personnel security, and physical security [2]. For implementation purposes all these parameters must be categorised into classes of countermeasures that reduce the system risks. Therefore, a system security evaluation assesses the effectiveness of the countermeasures which were finally selected for a specific system, at a given time.

The Cascade Vulnerability Problem appears in the subset of networks that cannot be treated as a single system. There are different reasons why networks cannot be viewed as a single system. The main reasons can be the large size of the network or the different administrative entities which may lead to different risk assessment methods. In any case, it is necessary for the administrators of any two systems that are to be interconnected to mutually agree that both systems are secure as stand-alone systems; that is, both administrators need to accept the risk assessment and the security evaluation methods which are used for both systems.

In summary, one can argue that [3] [4] the Cascade Vulnerability Problem appears when independent mutually recognised secure systems are interconnected by secure channels to create a distributed system which is not as secure as its parts.

As a typical example of the Cascade Vulnerability Problem [1], let us consider two systems, as shown in Figure 1. Host A is accredited for TS-Top Secret and S-Secret information and all users are cleared to at least the Secret level. Host B is accredited for S and C-Confidential and all users are cleared to at least the Confidential level; finally, there is a link at level S between the two systems.

System A
System B

Figure 1. The generic Cascade Vulnerability Problem.

While the risk of compromise in each of these systems is small enough to justify their use with two levels of information the system as a whole has three levels of information. This increases the potential harm that an adversary could cause, since s/he could downgrade the TS-level information in system A to S-level, send it to system B, and further downgrade the information to C-level therein.

The adversary has to defeat the protection mechanisms of both systems A and B, but that is an easier job than defeating the protection mechanisms of a single system trusted to protect the whole range from TS-level to C-level. The network connection has, in essence, created a Trusted Computing Base (TCB) with users cleared to at least the C-level with data on it at the TS-level.

In this way [5] the network connection has invalidated the risk analysis that accredited the two systems, because such a networked system must have a more secure architecture, a TCB rating of B3, than either rating of the original individual sub-systems TCB (i.e. B1 or B2, Figure 2).

Maximum Data Sensitivity

Figure 2. Security Index Matrix for Open Environments [6].

Let Rj(t) be the probability that both TCBs can be penetrated if the joint combination of two TCBs is subject to a total threat of t units or less. Changing variables and taking into account that the probability of two independent events occurring together is the product of their separate probabilities the value of Rj can be then computed as the convolution integral:

Rj(t) = RB2(x) RB2(t-x) dx,


whose precise value in relation to the original RB2(x) is not intuitively obvious.

In Figure 3a and 3b the probability density functions for RB2(t) and of the Cascade Rj(t) are shown. It has been proven [7] that Rj is approximately equal to R2B2 for the cascade of two B2 systems. This means that the resistance to threat of a cascade of two B2 systems is approximately the same as, or even better than, that of a B3 system.

3. Algorithms for Cascade Vulnerability Detection

3.1 The Nesting and Cascade condition

The Nesting condition

The simplest approach for recognising a potential Cascade Vulnerability Problem is to test whether a network can or cannot face such a problem. This simple test is calling the nesting condition [1].

The nesting condition is true if the accreditation ranges of each of the interconnected systems are either:

Fulfilment of the nesting condition implies that there can be no Cascade Vulnerability Problem in the network at hand. However, there are many cases in the literature [5] where the nesting condition is not fulfilled, yet there is actually no Cascade Vulnerability Problem.

A possible solution when the problem may exist is to eliminate certain network connections, either physically or by means of end-to-end encryption. The later solution allows hosts that need to communicate to do so, while eliminating additional unnecessary cascading risk on the path from one host to another.

The Cascading Condition

An attempt for a formal description of the Cascading Condition, which is more precise than the one described in [1], is presented in [5]. According to that, when we use a network, we know that it consists of some nodes h, and that every node has its accreditation range A(h). This A(h) consists of a set of sensitivity levels which, as a whole, form a lattice. Consequently, an accreditation range is a convex sublattice which is the formal notion corresponding to a range.

The protection regions are the pairs (h,s), for each sensitivity level sA(h). A step is an ordered pair of protection regions (h1, s1), (h2, s2) such that either:

In the second case, if also s1s2, then the information transfer is permitted by the enforced security policy in this specific node. A downgrade is a flow such that s1>s2.

A downgrade from s1 to s2 is always associated with a risk index R(s1,s2). If s1s2, then R(s1,s2)=0, otherwise R(s1,s2)>0. The risk index of any convex sublattice can be defined as the least upper bound of all R(si,sj).

Two accreditation ranges - convex sublattices are:

For a certain path (h1,s1), (h2,s2),..., (hn,sn), its net downgrade is R(s1,sn), and its difficulty is max(R(A(hi))), such that si>si+1.

According to the above formalism, a path is a Cascading path if its difficulty is at least as great as its net downgrade. Therefore, a network satisfies the Cascade condition if it has no Cascading paths at all.

In [5] one can find a program, written in Edinburgh Prolog, that can identify all cascading paths based on the previous formalism.

3.2 A heuristic procedure

The heuristic condition is a less conservative but much more complex heuristic that takes into account the connectivity of the network and the evaluation classes of the components. Given the goal of not allowing a risk greater than is recommended by the Environmental Guidelines, the heuristic procedure [1] has been developed to examine systems and determine whether they fall within the bounds prescribed by these Guidelines.

In formal terms the heuristic procedure is an approximate test for the Cascade Condition, described in the previous section. It should be noted that this procedure is not intended to be prescriptive: it is merely one way of examining the problem. It is obvious that the heuristic procedure - as every heuristic - has been derived through trial and error: it produces reasonable results and provides useful guidance to the prudence of interconnecting various systems.

In [1] an algorithm is described for determining whether or not a given network, composed of evaluated components meets the risk categories of the Environmental Guidelines. The algorithm is based on the idea of dividing a network into groups. The risk presented by any given group can be compared to the maximum allowed risk as defined by the Yellow Book for a system at the given evaluation class to determine if any community presents an unacceptable risk.

The steps for the heuristic procedure are [1]:

  1. Create a Network Table listing all components within the network. This table should include the following information for every component:
    1. Component ID,
    2. Evaluation Class,
    3. range of security classifications at which the component sends data to the network,
    4. list of security classifications at which the component receives data from the network,
    5. maximum of (highest level of data received from network, highest level of data processed by component), and
    6. minimum of (clearance of the user with the lowest clearance of the users with direct access to the component, lowest level of data sent to the network from the component).
  2. Produce three tables: a Network Table Evaluation Class, a Network Table Maximum and a Network Table Minimum. The Network Table Evaluation Class will be the highest evaluation class of any component listed in the table. The Network Table Maximum will be the maximum of the maxima associated with all the components listed in the table which send data to the network. The Network Table Minimum will be the minimum of the minima associated with all the components listed in the table which receive data from the network.

If the Network Table Evaluation Class is greater than B1 then tables for each evaluation class lower than the class of the Network Table, must be produced down to tables for the C1 class. These tables will be produced for each evaluation class by first listing any one component whose evaluation class is less than or equal to the evaluation class for the table. Then add to the table all components that meet all of the following conditions:

  1. they have an evaluation class less than or equal to the class of the table,
  2. they receive data from the network at a level that is being sent by a component which is already in the table, and
  3. they send data to the network at a level that is equal to or less than any node already in the table.
  1. After all the tables have been constructed, the Network Table Evaluation Class of each table is compared to the maximum and minimum for the table with regard to the rules specified by the Environmental Guidelines.
  2. If all tables satisfy the assurance requirements for the Environmental Guidelines then the network passes the assurance requirements. If any of the tables provide a greater risk index than is permitted by the Environmental Guidelines then the network provides a high level of risk and should not be connected as currently designed.

The reader can find an analytical application of the heuristic procedure in an example in [1].

3.3 Shortest path formulation of the cascade problem

The formulation of the Cascade Vulnerability Problem as a Resource-Constrained Shortest Path Problem [3] [4] leads to an efficient algorithm for determining whether a network presents a Cascade Vulnerability Problem.

The resource-constrained shortest path is based on three phases: Preprocessing, Shortest Path Calculation, and Postprocessing.

  1. The Preprocessing step consists of the following actions:
  2. The Shortest Path Calculation step determines the paths through the graph that minimise the cost to the penetrator under the consumption function. The Shortest Path Calculation step may require careful selection of the algorithm or algorithms used so that the path calculation is computationally efficient. The appropriate selection may be based on the size of the network problem, the user-defined consumption function, and whether the penetrator's resources are scalar (e.g. money), or vector (e.g. (money, time))
  3. The Postprocessing step analyses the shortest path results to determine the network security metric. For some applications determining that the network is not secure may require rearchitecting the network connectivity and reiterating the model steps.

In this approach the algorithm is flexible in two ways:

The time-complexity of the algorithm is at most O(n'3)=O(a3n3), where n' is the number of nodes in the expanded graph, a is the number of security levels for data, and n is the number of nodes in the network. The space-complexity of the algorithm is O(n'2)=O(a2n2).

3.4 The Horton et al. Algorithm

An efficient algorithm for the detection of cascading vulnerability paths is presented in [9]. In this algorithm the interconnection network of trusted computer systems is modelled as a directed graph with n nodes and m edges. The nodes have a TCB rating associated with each other and represent the trusted subsystems. The edges represent the interconnection on which data can flow. The information needed to be associated with a node is the lowest user security level for which some user on the node is cleared, as well as the highest security level of labelled data at the node.

Each data path is represented by a directed edge or arc from the starting to the ending node of the path. With each arc a pair (d,u) is associated, where d is the security level of the data at the beginning of the path, and u the security level of the user at the end of the path. In a cascading vulnerability path the proposition u<d holds true.

The algorithm in [9] begins by creating arcs for each edge in the graph in which u and d are equal. The remaining part of the algorithm consists of two phases. In the first phase all possible legal paths through the network are found. A legal path is one for which du.

In the second phase the new arcs represent illegal data paths as well as legal data paths. The new step in this phase, is the answer of the question whether the TCB rating of node i allows the accreditation range of the arc(j, k). If it does, then the path corresponding to the new arc is not a cascading vulnerability path. If it does not, then the path from which this arc is constructed is a cascading vulnerability path. For determining the above the authors propose the use of the Floyd-Warshall shortest path algorithm [8].

A cascade vulnerability correction algorithm should include suggestions for these network modifications which eliminate or reduce the risk of cascade vulnerability. [9] supports the idea that an algorithm that solves the cascade vulnerability correction problem would also solve the vertex cover problem for planar graphs (which is known to be intractable). Based on the above, the cascade vulnerability correction problem appears to be NP-hard. The detection algorithm shows that the correction problem is in NP and therefore the problem is NP-complete. Thus, an efficient algorithm that would give the optimal solution is unlikely to be found.

It is only possible that by using generalised techniques (e.g. ILP-Integer Linear Programming) a reasonable initial network could be defined, with all known constraints incorporated; this network could then be modified as unfulfilled requirements are identified. Although solving integer linear programs problems is also NP-complete, there are efficient techniques which give acceptable solutions. The multiple-path problem can be stated as an ILP [9] as follows:

p is a Cascading path in the network

n is a node in the network

s is the TCB rating for a system

cn,s is the cost of upgrading node n to rating s

n,s p means that upgrading node n to TCB rating s would correct path p

xn,s is a variable that is either 1 (node n is to be upgraded to TCB rating s) or 0 (node n is not to be upgraded to TCB rating s).


Minimise cn,s xn,s , subject to xn,s1, p

n,s n,sp

The basic disadvantage of Horton's algorithm is that not all pairs of nodes connected by cascading vulnerability paths are found. However, if all the pairs of nodes connected by cascading vulnerability paths that are found are corrected, then all the cascading vulnerability paths are corrected. Any unreported cascading vulnerability paths will contain all of some reported cascading path.

3.5 Algorithm comparative effectiveness analysis

As stated above, the Horton algorithm has reduced time-complexity O(an3) as compared to O(a3n3) for the [3] algorithm. The space-complexity for the [9] algorithm is O(an2) as compared to O(a2n2) for the [3] [4] algorithm. In [10] the resistance of all paths in the network is calculated by a matrix computation which requires O(n3log2n) steps.

A problem common to [3] [4] [9] is the following: if there are multiple cascading vulnerability paths between a pair of nodes, then only one of the paths will be detected using the straightforward version of the corresponding algorithm.

However, the [9] algorithm does not handle partially-ordered security levels as the [3] [4] [10] algorithms do.

4. A Simulated Annealing approach

The computational complexity of the above algorithms and, in particular, the time-complexity of the shortest path algorithm led us towards examining the applicability of simulated annealing as the cascade vulnerability search strategy. Simulated annealing is an adaptation of the simulation of physical thermodynamic annealing principles described by [11] to the minimisation of combinatorial optimisation problems [12] [13]. In common with genetic algorithms [14] and tabu search techniques [15] it follows the "local improvement" paradigm for harnessing the exponential complexity of the solution space.

The algorithm is based on randomisation techniques. An overview of algorithms based on such techniques can be found in [16]. A complete presentation of the method and its applications can be found in [17] and accessible algorithms for its implementation are presented by [18].

Simulated annealing is an optimisation method suitable for combinatorial minimisation problems such as the cascade vulnerability problem. Such problems exhibit a discrete, factorially large configuration space. In common with all paradigms based on "local improvements" the simulated annealing method starts with a non-optimal initial configuration (which may be chosen at random) and works on improving it by selecting a new configuration using a suitable mechanism (at random in the simulated annealing case) and calculating the corresponding cost differential (). If the cost is reduced, then the new configuration is accepted and the process repeats until a termination criterion is satisfied. Unfortunately, such methods can become "trapped" in a local optimum that is far from the global optimum. Simulated annealing avoids this problem by allowing "uphill" moves based on a model of the annealing process in the physical world.

When metals slowly cool and anneal, their atoms are often ordered in the minimal energy crystalline state for distances billions of times their diameter in all directions i.e., the solid is in a state of a global minimum. During the cooling process the system can escape local minima by moving to a thermal equilibrium of a higher energy potential based on the probabilistic distribution w of entropy S

S = k ln w

where k is Boltzmann's constant and w the probability that the system will exist in the state it is in relative to all possible states it could be in. Thus given entropy's relation to energy E and temperature T

we arrive at the probabilistic expression w of energy distribution for a temperature T

This so-called Boltzmann probability distribution is illustrated in Figure 4. The probabilistic "uphill" energy movement that is made possible avoids the entrapment of local minima and can provide a globally optimal solution.

Figure 4: Probability distribution of energy states according to temperature.

The application of the annealing optimisation method to other processes works by repeatedly changing the problem configuration and gradually lowering the temperature until a minimum is reached. Our proposed solution is based on Fitch's shortest path formulation modified to take into account the simulated annealing search method. An outline of the algorithm's pseudocode is as follows:

select a path P0 and an initial temperature T0;

repeat until no more vulnerable paths can be found:

repeat for a number of optimisation steps for the given temperature:

select a new path Pn by

moving a random amount of path segments

from one randomly selected position to another;

calculate the energy differentialbetween the current path C and the new one Pn;

If the new path Pn is more vulnerable () or

it satisfies the Metropolis criterion:for a random number R, 0 < R < 1

and an annealing temperature T then

make the new path Pn the current path C;

lower the annealing temperature T following the cooling schedule.

After the simulated annealing optimisation step is performed our proposed approach, similarly with Fitch's approach, analyses the shortest path results to determine the network security metric and accordingly adjusts the network or the participating entities.

5. Conclusions

A network of computers is exposed to the Cascade Vulnerability problem when data of a security level d can be passed to a user with a lower security clearance u elsewhere on the network, without having to defeat any single component of the system that has an accreditation range great enough to allow users of level u and data of level d on a single system.

Many algorithms have been proposed in the literature to deal with the cascade vulnerability detection. In the previous sections we reviewed the basic properties of the most important algorithms, conducted a brief comparative analysis of them, and explained why the cascade vulnerability correction problem is NP-complete. Our proposed solution based on the simulated annealing approach provides a more efficient search strategy. Possible future work involves the evaluation of this strategy on existing problems and the adjustment of the simulated annealing algorithm operating parameters.

6. References

  1. National Computer Security Center, (1987) Trusted Network Interpretation of the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, Red Book NCSC-TG-005, Library No. S228, 526, Version 1, National Computer Security Center, USA.
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  9. Horton J.D., Cooper R.H., Hyslop W.F., Nickerson B.G., Ward O.K., Harland R., Ashby E., Stewart W.M, (1993) The Cascade Vulnerability Problem, Journal of Computer Security, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 279-290.
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7. Biographies

Stefanos Gritzalis holds a BSc in Physics and an MSc in Electronic Automation, both from the University of Athens, Greece. He is also pursuing a PhD degree on Distributed Systems Security, with the Department of Informatics of the University of Athens, Greece. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Informatics of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens, Greece. He has been involved in several national and EU funded R&D projects in the areas of Computer Security, and Distributed Systems. He is the author of more than 10 technical papers and conference presentations. His research interests include Distributed Systems, Computer Systems Security, and Operating Systems.

Diomidis Spinellis holds an MEng in Software Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science both from Imperial College (University of London). Currently he is lecturing at the University of the Aegean, Greece. He has provided consulting services to a number of Greek and international Information Technology companies and has been involved in several national and EU funded R&D projects in the areas of Computer Security, Language Engineering, and Scientific Visualisation. He is the author of more than 25 technical papers and conference presentations. He has contributed software to the 4.4BSD Unix distribution, the X-Windows system, he is the author of a number of public domain software packages, libraries, and tools, and is a four times winner of the International Obfuscated C Code Contest. His research interests include Information Security, Software Engineering, and Programming Languages.