Francisco Ballesteros, Ricardo Jimenez, Marta Pati no, Fabio Kon, Sergio Arevalo, and Roy Campbell. Using interpreted composite calls to improve operating system services. Software: Practice and Experience, 30(6):589–615, May 2000. (doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-024X(200005)30:6<589::AID-SPE307>3.0.CO;2-K)
L. Blair and J. Pang. Feature interactions — life beyond traditional telephony. In Proceedings of the FIW '00 6th International Workshop on Future Interactions in Telecommunications and Software, pages 83–93. IOS Press, May 2000.
S. Brackin. Automatically detecting most vulnerabilities in cryptographic protocols. In Proceedings of the IEEE DISCEX '2000 DARPA Information Survivability Conference, pages 222–236. IEEE Computer Society, January 2000.
B. Cheng. Cse914 – topics for formal methods for software development. Available online: http://www.cse.msu.edu/ cse914/F02/, January 2003, 2000.
Justin Childs. Evaluating the TLS family of protocols with weakest preconditioning reasoning. Master's thesis, Florida State University, June 2000.
A. Dolgui, A. Eremeev, A. Kolokolov, and V. Sigaev. A genetic algorithm for buffer allocation in production line with unreliable machines. In International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design, pages 26–31, 2000. In Russian.
J. Drozdz, J.D. Kasprzak, M. Krzemińska-Pakula, J. Stępińska, and W. Ruzyllo. Acute myocardial infarction in Poland in 1999. risk factors, treatment and complications. Polish multicentre web-based trial (POL-WEB-AMI) (ostry zawał serca w polsce w 1999 roku. czynniki ryzyka, leczenie i powikłania. wyniki ankiety internetowej). Kardiologia Polska, 53(12):527–532, 2000. In Polish.
S. N. Foley. Conduit cascades and secure synchronization. In ACM New Security Paradigms Workshop, pages 141–150. ACM, ACM Press, September 2000.
Kenichi Futamura. The multiple server effect: Optimal allocation of servers to stations with different service-time distributions in tandem queueing networks. Annals of Operations Research, 93:71–90, 2000. (doi:10.1023/A:1018948512499)
D. Gritzalis and C. Lambrinoudakis. A data protection scheme for a remote vital signs monitoring healthcare service. Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, 25(3):207–224, June 2000.
Dimitris Gritzalis and Kostas Lamprinoudakis. A data protection scheme for a remote vital signs monitoring healthcare service. Medical Informatics, May 2000.
Johnson M. Hart. Win32 system programming. Available online: http://world.std.com/ jmhart/critcom.htm, October 2000.
M. Hauswirth, C. Kerer, and R. Kurmanowytsch. A flexible and extensible security framework for Java code. In Proceedings of the WWW9 9th International World Wide Web Conference, May 2000.
M. Hauswirth, C. Kerer, and R. Kurmanowytsch. A secure execution framework for Java. In Proceedinds of the 7th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security: CCS '2000, pages 43–52. ACM, November 2000.
J. D. Horton. Detecting cascade vulnerability problem in linear time. Technical report, University of New Brunswick, Canada, July 2000. Technical Report TR00-136.
C. Lambrinoudakis. Smart card technology for deploying a secure information management framework. Information Management and Computer Security, 8(4):173–183, May 2000. (doi:10.1108/09685220010344925)
C. Lambrinoudakis. Smart card technology for deploying a secure information management framework. Library Computing (formerly Library Software Review), 19(3-4):147–158, 2000.
Charles C. Mann. Digital culture. Atlantic Unbound, 2000-03-15, March 2000. Available online: http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/digicult/dc2000-03-15.htm, October 2000.
Peter G. Neumann. Practical architectures for survivable systems and networks. Technical report, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, June 2000. Available online http://www.csl.sri.com/neumann/survivability.pdf.
Y. Papadakis, V. Chrissikopoulos, and D. Polemi. Secure web-based medical digital library architecture based on TTPs. In Proceedings of the MIE '2000 Medical Informatics in Europe Conference, pages 610–616. IOS Press, August 2000. (doi:10.1016/S1386-5056(01)00206-4)
M. Puhrerfellner. An implementation of the millicent micro-payment protocol and its application in a pay-per-view business model. Master's thesis, Technical University of Vienna, December 2000.
L. Reed-Fourquet, M. K. Martin, W. Leung, J. Li, R. Byczko, and J. T. Lynch. CHIME-trust: A trusted third party service for healthcare. In J. Marc Overhage, editor, American Medical Informatics Association 2000 Symposium (AMIA 2000): Converging Information, Technology, and Health Care. American Medical Informatics Association, November 2000.
Lori Reed-Fourquet, John T. Lynch, Michael K. Martin, Michael Cascio, Wing-Yan Leung, and Philip P. Ruenhorst. CPRI Toolkit: Managing Information Security in Health Care, chapter Four: Developing Policies, Procedures, and Practices; Section 4.9.4 The CHIME-Trust Healthcare Public Key Infrastructure and Trusted Third Party Services: A Case-Study. CPRI-HOST, Bethesda, MD, USA, third edition, 2000. Available online: http://www.cpri-host.org/toolkit/toc.html (November 2001).
E. Saul and A. Hutchison. A graphical environment for the facilitation of logic-based security protocol analysis. SACJ/SART South Africans Computer Journal, 26:196–200, December 2000.
E. Saul and A.C.M. Hutchison. Two environments which facilitate security protocol modelling and analysis. In Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC '00), 2000.
Bruce Schneier. Secrets & Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World, page 400. Wiley Computer Publishing, 2000.
Rainer M. M. Seibel, Klaus Kocher, and Peter Landsberg. Sicherheitsaspekte im internet (internet security aspects). Der Radiologe, 40(4):1081–194, 2000. In German.
Tim Sheard. CSE583 — design and implementation of domain specific languages: Readings. Available online: http://www.cse.ogi.edu/ sheard/cse583W2000/papersList.html, October 2000, October 2000.
P. Syverson and I. Cevesato. The logic of authentication protocols. In Proceedings of the FOSAD'2000 Foundations of Security Analysis and Design Conference, pages 63–136. Springer Verlag, September 2000. LNCS 2171.
J. Tepandi. Reflection as a mechanism for software integrity verification. ACM Computing Reviews, December 2000.
M. Turega. Issues with information dissemination on global networks. Information Management and Computer Security, 8(5):244–248, 2000. (doi:10.1108/09685220010353169)
C. Xu, G. Kedem, and F. Gong. Categorizing attacks on cryptographic protocols based on intruders. In Proceedings of the FMCS'2000 Foundational Methods in Computer Science Conference, June 2000.
Francisco Ballesteros, Ricardo Jimenez, Marta Pati no, Fabio Kon, Sergio Arevalo, and Roy Campbell. Using interpreted composite calls to improve operating system services. Software: Practice and Experience, 30(6):589–615, May 2000. (doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-024X(200005)30:6<589::AID-SPE307>3.0.CO;2-K)

L. Blair and J. Pang. Feature interactions — life beyond traditional telephony. In Proceedings of the FIW '00 6th International Workshop on Future Interactions in Telecommunications and Software, pages 83–93. IOS Press, May 2000.

S. Brackin. Automatically detecting most vulnerabilities in cryptographic protocols. In Proceedings of the IEEE DISCEX '2000 DARPA Information Survivability Conference, pages 222–236. IEEE Computer Society, January 2000.

B. Cheng. Cse914 – topics for formal methods for software development. Available online: http://www.cse.msu.edu/ cse914/F02/, January 2003, 2000.

Justin Childs. Evaluating the TLS family of protocols with weakest preconditioning reasoning. Master's thesis, Florida State University, June 2000.

A. Dolgui, A. Eremeev, A. Kolokolov, and V. Sigaev. A genetic algorithm for buffer allocation in production line with unreliable machines. In International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design, pages 26–31, 2000. In Russian.

J. Drozdz, J.D. Kasprzak, M. Krzemińska-Pakula, J. St k epińska, and W. Ruzyllo. Acute myocardial infarction in Poland in 1999. risk factors, treatment and complications. Polish multicentre web-based trial (POL-WEB-AMI) (ostry zawał serca w polsce w 1999 roku. czynniki ryzyka, leczenie i powikłania. wyniki ankiety internetowej). Kardiologia Polska, 53(12):527–532, 2000. In Polish.

S. N. Foley. Conduit cascades and secure synchronization. In ACM New Security Paradigms Workshop, pages 141–150. ACM, ACM Press, September 2000.

Kenichi Futamura. The multiple server effect: Optimal allocation of servers to stations with different service-time distributions in tandem queueing networks. Annals of Operations Research, 93:71–90, 2000. (doi:10.1023/A:1018948512499)

D. Gritzalis and C. Lambrinoudakis. A data protection scheme for a remote vital signs monitoring healthcare service. Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, 25(3):207–224, June 2000.

Dimitris Gritzalis and Kostas Lamprinoudakis. A data protection scheme for a remote vital signs monitoring healthcare service. Medical Informatics, May 2000.

Johnson M. Hart. Win32 system programming. Available online: http://world.std.com/ jmhart/critcom.htm, October 2000.

M. Hauswirth, C. Kerer, and R. Kurmanowytsch. A flexible and extensible security framework for Java code. In Proceedings of the WWW9 9th International World Wide Web Conference, May 2000.

M. Hauswirth, C. Kerer, and R. Kurmanowytsch. A secure execution framework for Java. In Proceedinds of the 7th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security: CCS '2000, pages 43–52. ACM, November 2000.

J. D. Horton. Detecting cascade vulnerability problem in linear time. Technical report, University of New Brunswick, Canada, July 2000. Technical Report TR00-136.

C. Lambrinoudakis. Smart card technology for deploying a secure information management framework. Information Management and Computer Security, 8(4):173–183, May 2000. (doi:10.1108/09685220010344925)

C. Lambrinoudakis. Smart card technology for deploying a secure information management framework. Library Computing (formerly Library Software Review), 19(3-4):147–158, 2000.

Charles C. Mann. Digital culture. Atlantic Unbound, 2000-03-15, March 2000. Available online: http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/digicult/dc2000-03-15.htm, October 2000.

Peter G. Neumann. Practical architectures for survivable systems and networks. Technical report, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, June 2000. Available online http://www.csl.sri.com/neumann/survivability.pdf.

Y. Papadakis, V. Chrissikopoulos, and D. Polemi. Secure web-based medical digital library architecture based on TTPs. In Proceedings of the MIE '2000 Medical Informatics in Europe Conference, pages 610–616. IOS Press, August 2000. (doi:10.1016/S1386-5056(01)00206-4)

M. Puhrerfellner. An implementation of the millicent micro-payment protocol and its application in a pay-per-view business model. Master's thesis, Technical University of Vienna, December 2000.

L. Reed-Fourquet, M. K. Martin, W. Leung, J. Li, R. Byczko, and J. T. Lynch. CHIME-trust: A trusted third party service for healthcare. In J. Marc Overhage, editor, American Medical Informatics Association 2000 Symposium (AMIA 2000): Converging Information, Technology, and Health Care. American Medical Informatics Association, November 2000.

Lori Reed-Fourquet, John T. Lynch, Michael K. Martin, Michael Cascio, Wing-Yan Leung, and Philip P. Ruenhorst. CPRI Toolkit: Managing Information Security in Health Care, chapter Four: Developing Policies, Procedures, and Practices; Section 4.9.4 The CHIME-Trust Healthcare Public Key Infrastructure and Trusted Third Party Services: A Case-Study. CPRI-HOST, Bethesda, MD, USA, third edition, 2000. Available online: http://www.cpri-host.org/toolkit/toc.html (November 2001).

E. Saul and A. Hutchison. A graphical environment for the facilitation of logic-based security protocol analysis. SACJ/SART South Africans Computer Journal, 26:196–200, December 2000.

E. Saul and A.C.M. Hutchison. Two environments which facilitate security protocol modelling and analysis. In Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC '00), 2000.

Bruce Schneier. Secrets & Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World, page 400. Wiley Computer Publishing, 2000.

Rainer M. M. Seibel, Klaus Kocher, and Peter Landsberg. Sicherheitsaspekte im internet (internet security aspects). Der Radiologe, 40(4):1081–194, 2000. In German.

Tim Sheard. CSE583 — design and implementation of domain specific languages: Readings. Available online: http://www.cse.ogi.edu/ sheard/cse583W2000/papersList.html, October 2000, October 2000.

P. Syverson and I. Cevesato. The logic of authentication protocols. In Proceedings of the FOSAD'2000 Foundations of Security Analysis and Design Conference, pages 63–136. Springer Verlag, September 2000. LNCS 2171.

J. Tepandi. Reflection as a mechanism for software integrity verification. ACM Computing Reviews, December 2000.

M. Turega. Issues with information dissemination on global networks. Information Management and Computer Security, 8(5):244–248, 2000. (doi:10.1108/09685220010353169)

C. Xu, G. Kedem, and F. Gong. Categorizing attacks on cryptographic protocols based on intruders. In Proceedings of the FMCS'2000 Foundational Methods in Computer Science Conference, June 2000.