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  • Duncan White, Jan-Simon Pendry, and Diomidis Spinellis. Unix PDP-11 emulator (as11 & em11) user's guide. Laboratory documentation, Imperial College, London, UK, January 1989. Green Open Access

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Diomidis Spinellis Publications

Unix PDP-11 Emulator

1. Filename Conventions
2. The Assembler
2.1. An Example Assembly Language Program
2.2. The Format of Assembly Language Programs
2.3. Basic Concepts
2.3.1. Symbols
2.3.2. A Recommendation
2.3.3. Registers
2.3.4. Assembler Location Counter
2.3.5. Numeric constants
2.3.6. String constants
2.3.7. Expressions
2.4. Instructions
2.4.1. PDP-11 Mnemonics
2.4.2. Assembler Directives (Pseudo-Ops)
2.5. Addressing Modes
2.5.1. Basic Addressing Modes [0..7]
2.5.2. PC Addressing Modes
2.5.3. Note:
3. The Emulator
3.1. Memory
3.2. Polled I/O System
3.2.1. Delays
3.2.2. Errors
3.2.3. Keyboard
3.2.4. Screen
3.2.5. Line printer
3.2.6. 2 disks: Disk R/W Errors
3.2.7. I/O Address summary
3.2.8. An example of polled I/O.
3.3. Emulator Expressions
3.4. Constants
3.5. The Commands
3.6. Emulator Errors

(As11 & Em11)
User’s Guide


Duncan White
Jan-Simon Pendry
Diomidis Spinellis

As11 and em11 form an emulated PDP-11* environment which can be used on UNIX† systems to design and develop simple PDP-11 assembly language programs. The emulated PDP-11 includes 16K bytes of store, a screen, a keyboard, a line printer, and two random access disks.

1. Filename Conventions

Just as Modula-2 uses standard suffixes such as .def and .mod to identify files as belonging to Modula-2, so the PDP-11 system uses the suffixes .a11 for an assembly language file, and .e11 for an emulator input file.

2. The Assembler

As11 is a free-format assembler, accepting all the standard PDP-11 mnemonics and operand types. It is invoked by:

     as11 file

The action of the assembler is to translate the single .a11 file named on the command line [you may omit the .a11 suffix] into the corresponding .e11 file.

Error messages and warnings during assembly are reported on the standard error stream. These are intended to be self-explanatory.

The assembler continues after a warning, but aborts after a fatal error.

2.1. An Example Assembly Language Program

To make the following discussion clearer, here is a simple example of a PDP-11 Assembly Language program.

For the moment, let us not worry about the scr_mesg routine. Accept that it simply displays a null terminated message whose starting address is passed on the stack.

2.2. The Format of Assembly Language Programs

Most of the lines in the above program contain a single PDP-11 instruction. Some lines, however, declare labels, or perform assembler directives [known as pseudo-ops ].

Any line may be terminated by a comment, introduced by a semi-colon which acts until the end of the current line. A line, if so desired, can contain nothing except a comment.

Between the various constituents of a line, you may place any number of tabs and blanks which act as separators.

The assembler is not sensitive to upper and lower case.

2.3. Basic Concepts

2.3.1. Symbols

A symbol is the assembler equivalent of a Modula-2 constant. That is, it is a name which is used to represent a particular numeric value, increasing the readability of a program.

It is an error to redefine a symbol.

The assembler accepts indefinite-length symbols, which are sequences of alphanumeric and underscore characters, where the first character is not numeric.

There are two ways of declaring a symbol:


A symbol assignment of the form:





A label declaration of the form:

     symbol :

This assigns the current value of the Assembler’s location counter to the symbol.

In the example program, there are the lines:




The first of these lines declares the label start to represent the starting address of the program.

All symbols can be used in the rest of the Assembly Language program, as the destination of branches, and in expressions. All the symbols are also available to you in the Emulator.

2.3.2. A Recommendation

We recommend that labels, if given, stand alone on the line : it makes editing simpler.

That is, we suggest that the above two lines are not laid out as:




2.3.3. Registers

The following symbols:

are predefined to represent the PDP-11 registers.

The user may not define symbols to represent registers.

2.3.4. Assembler Location Counter

All assemblers need to maintain the position in memory at which to generate code. This is normally known as the location counter. The PDP-11 assembler uses the special symbol "." [dot] to represent the location counter. You can use "." freely in expressions.

2.3.5. Numeric constants

All numeric constants are interpreted as 16-bit two’s complement integers, although byte-sized operands will be silently truncated from 16-bit values to 8-bit ones.

Numeric constants may be written in four bases, or as character constants :


By default, a number is octal. If preceded by an "0", it is decimal. If preceded by "0x" it is hexadecimal. If preceded by "0b" it is binary.


The value of a single character constant, such as ’A’ , is the ASCII code of the given character.


The value of a double character constant, such as ’AB’ , is a 16-bit word, computed by placing the ASCII code of the first character in the high byte, and the ASCII code of the second character in the low byte.

2.3.6. String constants

String constants are allowed in the .byte pseudo-op, and consist of a sequence of characters, quoted with single quotes, double quotes or slashes. Such a string represents a sequence of 8-bit integers.

2.3.7. Expressions

An expression is a sequence of symbols , constants , operators and brackets representing a value. It is evaluated at assembly time, not at run time.

All arithmetic is performed using 16-bit two’s complement.

There are seven levels of precedence for the operators, listed here from highest precedence to the lowest:

All operators of the same precedence are evaluated left to right.

The default precedences may be overridden by the use of brackets.

Note: a < b means shift a, b places left. Similarly, a > b means shift a, b places right.

2.4. Instructions

The assembler can handle two types of instructions: mnemonics and pseudo-ops.

2.4.1. PDP-11 Mnemonics

The mnemonics recognised by this assembler are listed below.

It is beyond the scope of this manual to explain the operation of these instructions. Refer to your lecture notes, or to the DEC PDP-11 Processor Handbook for further details.

2.4.2. Assembler Directives (Pseudo-Ops)

Instructions starting with a ’.’ are all commands to the assembler:

.org expr

Sets the Assembler’s Location Counter to the value of the given expression.

The space between the current location counter and the new value is left undefined.

No check is made by the assembler for overlapping areas (but the emulator makes some checks when loading in the executable image).

symbol = expr

Sets the given symbol to the given expression.


Causes the location counter to be adjusted to the next even address.

.byte expr { , expr }

Store the given sequence of 8-bit wide data into successive bytes. Remember that strings are also allowed for this pseudo-op.

.word expr { , expr }

Store the given sequence of 16-bit wide data into successive words.

Currently, the assembler does not support the usual .blk and .ascii pseudo-ops.

2.5. Addressing Modes

The assembler accepts all the standard PDP-11 addressing modes. That is:

2.5.1. Basic Addressing Modes [0..7]

2.5.2. PC Addressing Modes

2.5.3. Note:

Autoincrement and autodecrement modes change the register contents by one for byte instructions and two for word instructions with the following exceptions :


R6 and R7 are always changed by 2.


In deferred modes, a register is always incremented by 2.

3. The Emulator

Em11 is an interactive source level PDP-11 emulator with built-in debugging facilities. It is invoked by:

     em11 file

This loads the .e11 file you name on the command line into the emulator, provides the prompt (pdp) and waits for a command.

The emulated PDP-11 has the following characteristics:

3.1. Memory

16K [40000 octal] bytes of RAM.

3.2. Polled I/O System

Every I/O device [detailed below] has a status register and one or more data buffer registers associated with it. These device registers are mapped into memory at a high address - beyond the end of the RAM.

All devices use a common format for their status register:

The general way of using an IO device is:


Set up any relevent data registers.


Set the start bit [bit 0 in the status register]. This causes the action to start.


Poll the busy bit [bit 7 in the status register] until it goes low.


Check the error bit [bit 15 in the status register].


Read any results out of data registers.

3.2.1. Delays

All the devices, when active, take a certain amount of time [actually, number of PDP-11 instructions] to finish. Different devices will take different lengths of time to complete an operation. Indeed, the same I/O device may take slightly differing times to complete two identical operations.

In fact, these are set up from a configuration file, read in at start up.

This is the reason why you have to poll the busy bit repetitively.

3.2.2. Errors

For all the I/O devices, the error bit will be set by the user performing the above steps in an incorrect way - the most typical error is probably to start a new operation while the previous operation is incomplete. If this happens, both the active operation and the erroneous operation are aborted, which will typically cause characters or sectors to be omitted.

The error bit is cleared when the start bit is next set.

For disks [only], there is another error situation, discussed in the section on disks.

The devices are:

3.2.3. Keyboard

The PDP-11 keyboard is, naturally enough, simulated by the UNIX keyboard. However, you can take keyboard input from a file, by using the Emulator’s "<" command.

The keyboard has a status register, known as KBD_STAT, which is at location 77560.

In addition, it has a single byte data register, known as KBD_BUF, at location 77562.

After a successful keyboard operation has completed, this location contains the next character read from the keyboard.

3.2.4. Screen

The PDP-11 screen is simulated by the UNIX screen. You can capture screen output in a file using the Emulator’s ">" command.

The screen has a status register, known as SCR_STAT, at location 77564.

In addition, it has a single byte data register, known as SCR_BUF, at location 77566.

You should deposit the character to be displayed in SCR_BUF before starting the I/O operation.

3.2.5. Line printer

The PDP-11 line printer is simulated by the UNIX line printer. Each run of a program which writes to the line printer will generate a single job of line printer output.

The printer has a status register, known as LPR_STAT, at location 77514.

In addition, it has a single byte data register, known as LPR_BUF, at location 77516.

You should deposit the character to be printed into LPR_BUF before starting the I/O operation.

3.2.6. 2 disks:

These disks have 256 byte sectors, and have 8 cylinders, 8 surfaces, and 8 sectors per track.

When the PDP-11 emulator starts running, two Unix files: disk1.dat and disk2.dat are read in by the emulator and used as initial disk images. These files are simply text files, which the user should create with vi.

If the Unix file finishes before the entire PDP-11 disk is full, then the rest of that sector has zero bytes written into it and the rest of the disk is left undefined.

When the emulator terminates, the disk images are written out again onto the Unix files disk1.dat and disk2.dat

The only I/O operation that the disks are capable of is reading or writing an entire sector, from memory to the disk or vice versa. Both disks may be simultaneously active.

Each disk has its own complete set of registers - we will now describe those for disk 1, but disk 2 has an identical set, which start at location 77530. See the table at the end for a summary.

A status register, known as DSK1_STAT, located at 77520.

A sector select register, known as DSK1_SEL, located at 77522. This register is laid out as follows:

The r/w bit should be set for writing, and reset for reading.

A buffer address register, known as DSK1_BAR, located at 77524. This register stores the PDP-11 address of the start of the buffer to read/write data from/to. Disk R/W Errors

The configuration file which governs the delays of the I/O operations may also mark specific sectors on one or both disks with a probability of failure. This probability governs whether each individual read/write operation on that sector succeeds or fails.

If a read operation fails, then the buffer will be filled with garbage: currently exclamation marks! If a write operation fails, then the relevent sector will be filled in a similar fashion.

Such an error, of course, sets the error bit in the status register.

3.2.7. I/O Address summary

To summarise, the I/O devices have the following registers:

3.2.8. An example of polled I/O.

Here is the rest of the example program we presented a while back. It will serve as an illustration of the use of a typical I/O device [the screen].

Note that the following routines take their arguments from the stack, and do not corrupt any registers. This will make them safer and easier to use in different circumstances.

3.3. Emulator Expressions

Emulator expressions are almost identical to assembler expressions, with only the following differences:


Two extra unary operators are available:


* [the byte-dereference operator] which returns the byte stored at the given PDP-11 memory address.


! [the word-dereference operator] which returns the word stored at the given PDP-11 memory address - which must be even.


The assembler location counter [the symbol "." ] has no meaning for the emulator.

3.4. Constants

As in the assembler, the emulator can accept constants in four bases, octal by default, or single and double quoted character-constants.

3.5. The Commands

The emulator provides a wide variety of commands with which to manipulate the PDP-11 environment:


Displays a short list of the commands available. In addition, the on-line manual page em11(L) describes the commands available.

go [ expr ] or run [ expr ]

Runs the program at the given address [or the current value of the PC if the address is not given]

You may interrupt the program [should it get into an infinite loop, for example] by pressing CTRL-C.

quit or exit

Quits the emulator.


Displays all the registers, and the system flags.


Displays the current status of the trace flag.

trace ( on | off )

Switches the trace flag on or off.

When the trace is on, each instruction is displayed before it is executed and the contents of the destination are printed out in octal after the execution.

list [ expr1 ]

A full page of the original PDP-11 source code, starting at address expr1 is displayed.

Notice that the original source is listed - the emulator does not actively disassemble a portion of memory. If your program modifies itself, you will have to rely on byte, word and ASCII dumps.

dump ( byte | word | ascii ) [ expr1 [ , expr2 ] ]

The contents of the memory are dumped on the screen as octal bytes, octal words, or as ASCII characters.

Expr1, if given, specifies where the dump is to start from (if not given, from where the previous dump stopped - initially address 0) and expr2, if given, specifies how many items the dump should print. (if omitted, 32 items will be printed ).


Displays all current breakpoints.

break ( on | off ) expr

Adds or removes a breakpoint at the specified address. When the running program hits a breakpoint, execution terminates with the program counter pointing to the address of the breakpoint. If the first instruction to be executed after a go command is a breakpoint it is ignored. Breakpoints are also ignored during the execution of the step command.

step [ expr ]

Executes the given number of instructions, or a single instruction if no number is given.

print expr

Evaluates the given expression and prints the result in octal, hexadecimal, decimal and binary.

lhs = expr1

Here, the left hand side may either be:


A register.


A byte-dereferenced expression * expr2 [ie. the byte-contents of the given memory location]


A word-dereferenced expression ! expr2 [ie. the word-contents of the given memory location]

The appropriate value is stored in the lhs. This is like an assignment in Modula-2.

move expr1 , expr2 , expr3

Moves the section of memory in the address range expr1 to expr2 to address expr3.

> filename

Redirects PDP-11 screen output to the file specified.

< filename

Redirects PDP-11 keyboard input from the file specified.

<> device

Redirects PDP-11 keyboard input and output to the device specified. This feature can be used to simplify debugging when using trace by redirecting all the interaction with the running PDP-11 program to a different window.

3.6. Emulator Errors

The emulator will, on occasion, produce an error message and stop the program running. Two such errors are:


A bus error : which is caused by an attempt to access a UNIBUS address that does not exist, and


An odd address error : which occurs if a register used in a word autoincrement or autodecrement instruction becomes odd. [ This often occurs because SP or PC are set to an odd value ]