Παράδειγμα: γραφική παράσταση με το GNU Plot

# SA performance graphs
# $Id: perf.gpl 1.1 1999/02/21 15:51:36 dds Exp dds $

set terminal gif
set ylabel 'Evaluated configurations'
set xlabel 'Buffer space'

set logscale y
# 1:Stations 2:Capacity 3:Time 4:Tries 5:SA-Throughput 6:Exact-throughput \
# 7:Decomposition-throughput 8:Full-count 9:Reduced-count 10:Hours 11:Minutes \
# 12:Seconds

set title '9 stations; 1-20 buffers' 
set key 17,200
set output 'perf9.gif'
plot [0:21] '9.log' using 2:8 title 'S(CE, Deco)' with linespoints, \
	'9.log' using 2:9 title 'S(RE, Deco)' with linespoints, \
	'9.log' using 2:4 title 'S(SA, Deco)' with linespoints, \
	'ga-9.log' using 2:4 title 'S(GA, Deco)' with linespoints