-- Lines (thousands)    
 select sum(nline) / 1000 from FILES

-- Comments (thousands) 
 select (sum(nlcomment) + sum(nbcomment)) / 1000 from FILES

-- Statements (thousands)
 select sum(nstatement) / 1000 from FILES

-- Source files         
 select count(*) from FILES

-- Linked modules       
 select count(*) from PROJECTS

-- C functions          
 select count(*) from FUNCTIONS where defined and not ismacro

-- Macro definitions    
 select count(*) from IDS where macro

-- Header files per C source file 
 select (select count(*) from FILES where name like '%.c') / (select count(*) from FILES where name like '%.h')

-- Average structure complexity in files 
 select avg(pow(fanout.c * fanin.c, 2)) from (select basefileid fid, count(definerid) c from ( select distinct BASEFILEID, DEFINERID, FOFFSET from INCTRIGGERS) i2 group by basefileid) fanout inner join (select definerid fid, count(basefileid) c from ( select distinct BASEFILEID, DEFINERID, FOFFSET from INCTRIGGERS) i2 group by definerid) fanin on fanout.fid = fanin.fid

-- % global functions 
 select 100 - 100.0 * (select count(*) from FUNCTIONS where defined and filescoped and not ismacro) / (select count(*) from FUNCTIONS where defined and not ismacro)

-- % strictly structured functions      
 select 100 - (select count(*) from FUNCTIONMETRICS where nreturn > 1 or ngoto > 0) / (select count(*) from FUNCTIONMETRICS) * 100

-- % labeled statements
 select 100.0 * sum(nlabel) / sum(nstmt) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- Average number of parameters to functions 
 select avg(nparam) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- Average depth of maximum nesting 
 select avg(maxnest) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- Tokens per statement 
 select 1.0 * sum(npptoken) / sum(nstmt) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- Average structure complexity in functions 
 select avg(cstruc) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- % style conforming typedef identifiers 
 select 100 * (select count(*) from IDS where typedef and name like '%_t') / (select count(*) from IDS where typedef) ; select 100 * (select count(*) from IDS where typedef and name like '%_t') / (select count(*) from IDS where typedef) ; select 100 * (select count(*) from IDS where typedef and name like '%_t') / (select count(*) from IDS where typedef) ; select 100 * (select count(*) from IDS where typedef and name regexp '^[A-Z0-9_]*$') / (select count(*) from IDS where typedef)

-- % style conforming aggregate tags 
  select 0 ;  select 0 ; select 100 * (select count(*) from IDS where suetag and name like '%_s') / (select count(*) from IDS where suetag) ; select 100 * (select count(*) from IDS where suetag and name regexp '^_[A-Z0-9_]*$') / (select count(*) from IDS where suetag)

-- Characters per line  
 select 1.0 * sum(nchar) / sum(nline) from FILES

-- % of numeric constants in operands 
 select 100.0 * sum(nnconst) / (sum(nnconst) + sum(nid)) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- % unsafe function-like macros        
 select 100.0 * (select count(*) from FUNCTIONMETRICS left join FUNCTIONS on functionid = id where defined and ismacro and ndo = 0 and nstmt > 1) / (select count(*) from FUNCTIONS where defined and ismacro)

-- % of preprocessor directives in header files 
 select 100.0 * sum(nppdirective) / sum(nline) from FILES where name like '%.h'

-- % of non-\#include directives in C files 
 select 100.0 * (sum(nppdirective) - sum(nincfile)) / sum(nline) from FILES where name like '%.c'

-- % of preprocessor directives in functions 
 select 100.0 * sum(nppdirective) / sum(nline) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- % of preprocessor conditionals in functions 
 select 100.0 * sum(nppcond) / sum(nline) from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- % of function-like macros in defined functions 
 select  (100.0 * (select count(*) from FUNCTIONS where defined and ismacro) / (select count(*) from FUNCTIONS where defined ))

-- % of macros in unique identifiers 
 select (100.0 * (select count(*) from IDS where macro) / (select count(*) from IDS))

-- % of macros in identifiers 
 select (100.0 * (select count(*) from TOKENS left join IDS on TOKENS.eid = IDS.eid where macro) / (select count(*) from TOKENS))

-- % of variable declarations with global scope 
 select (100.0 * (select count(*) from IDS where lscope and ordinary and not fun) / (select count(*) from IDS))

-- % of variable operands with global scope 
 select (100.0 * (select count(*) from TOKENS left join IDS on TOKENS.eid = IDS.eid where lscope and ordinary and not fun) / (select count(*) from TOKENS))

-- % of identifiers with wrongly global scope 
 select 100.0 * (select count(*) from (select  TOKENS.eid from TOKENS left join IDS on TOKENS.eid = IDS.eid where ordinary and lscope group by eid  having min(fid) = max(fid) ) static) / (select count(*) from IDS)

-- % of variable declarations with file scope 
 select (100.0 * (select count(*) from IDS where cscope and ordinary and not fun) / (select count(*) from IDS))

-- % of variable operands with file scope 
 select (100.0 * (select count(*) from TOKENS left join IDS on TOKENS.eid = IDS.eid where cscope and ordinary and not fun) / (select count(*) from TOKENS))

-- Variables per typedef or aggregate 
 select ((select count(*) from IDS where ordinary and not fun) / (select count(*) from IDS where suetag or typedef))

-- Data elements per aggregate or enumeration 
 select ((select count(*) from IDS where sumember or enum)  / (select count(*) from IDS where suetag))

-- File length (in lines) of C files and headers.
select nline from FILES where name like '%.c'
select nline from FILES where name like '%.h'

-- Defined global functions and structures.
select npfunction from FILES where name like '%.c'
select naggregate from FILES where name like '%.h'

-- Extended cyclomatic complexity and number of statements per function.
select ccycl2 from FUNCTIONMETRICS
select nstmt from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- Halstead complexity.
select chal from FUNCTIONMETRICS

-- Common coupling at file and global scope.
select nufid  / nuid * 100 from FUNCTIONMETRICS where nuid > 0
select nupid  / nuid * 100 from FUNCTIONMETRICS where nuid > 0

-- Length of global and aggregate identifiers.
select length(name) from IDS where lscope
select length(name) from IDS where suetag

-- Comment density in C and header files.
select nccomment / nstatement from FILES where name like '%.c' and nstatement > 0
select (nlcomment + nbcomment) / (naggregate + namember + nppfmacro + nppomacro + nenum + npfunction + nffunction + npvar + nfvar) from FILES where name like '%.h' and naggregate + namember + nppfmacro + nppomacro > 0 and nuline / nline < .2

-- Preprocessing expansion in functions and files.
select nctoken / npptoken from FUNCTIONS inner join FUNCTIONMETRICS on id = functionid where defined and not ismacro and npptoken > 0
select (0.0 + sum(FILES.nctoken) / count(FILES.nctoken) - sum(FUNCTIONMETRICS.nctoken)) / (sum(FILES.npptoken) / count(FILES.npptoken) - sum(FUNCTIONMETRICS.npptoken)) from FUNCTIONS inner join FUNCTIONMETRICS on id = functionid left join FILES on FUNCTIONS.fid = FILES.fid where defined and not ismacro and FILES.npptoken > 0 group by FILES.fid

-- Average level of namespace pollution in C files.
select avg(NGNSOC) from FUNCTIONMETRICS  left join FUNCTIONS on  id = functionid left join FILES on FUNCTIONS.FID = FILES.fid where FILES.name like '%.c' group by FILES.fid