CScout: The C Refactoring BrowserCScout is distributed in source code form, which is hosted on GitHub. CScout has been compiled and tested on GNU/Linux (Debian jessie, and Amazon Linux 2015.09), Apple OS X (El Capitan), FreeBSD (11.0), and Cygwin. In order to build and use CScout you need a Unix (like) system with a modern C++ compiler, GNU make, and Perl. To test CScout you need to be able to run Java from the command line, because tests use the HSQLDB database. To view CScout's diagrams you must have the GraphViz dot command in your executable file path.
To see how CScout can dump a workspace in an SQL database you can download compressed database dumps of the CScout-processed "one true awk" source code in MySQL, PostgreSQL, and HSQLDB formats. |