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Public Bookmarking

You're searching the internet to answer a question you have, and after some painstaking detective work you locate the answer. Where do you store the answer for future reference?

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Xerces v Flex

What is the fastest way to process and XML file? I was faced with this question when I recently wanted to process a 452GiB XML file; for this amount of data speed matters. Some obvious choices were XML libraries, hand-crafted code, and lexical analyzer generators.

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Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective

My new book Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective got published, three years after I started writing it. The book owes more to open source software than any of the books dealing with Linux, PHP, Apache, Perl or any other book covering a specific technology.

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Efficiency Will Always Matter

Many claim that today's fast CPUs and large memory capacities make time-proven technologies that efficiently harness a computer's power irrelevant. I beg to differ, and my experience in the last three days demonstrated that technologies that originated in the 70s still have their place today.

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Creative Commons License Last update: Thursday, September 22, 2016 9:56 am
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on this page created by Diomidis Spinellis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Greece License.